Leo season has arrived and all the lions were roaring at At Ease Sundays! At Ease Sundays poetry sets are every first Sunday of the month. They have been holding it down in Oak Park Illinois for the last 3 years and are still going strong. Last nights show was jammed packed as usual and was full of new comers. When you continually have new visitors that means that you are doing something right and At Ease certainly is doing a couple of things right in regards to hosting a successful poetry set. The synergy between their team keeps their operation running smoothly, their location is nice and easily accessible, and they give the people variety which is important when people are in one place for more than an hour. I truly believe one of the biggest factors in having a successful set is having the right host. Personality is everything when you are hosting an event! Hood Raised is entertaining, makes sure that his people have a good time and does not come off as arrogant even though he is one of the most sought after poets on the Chicago scene. I’ve always been made to feel at home even when I read poetry during the open mic session. Kudos to the At Ease Team for continually drawing new talent and audience participants after 3 years. That’s my 2 cents. Make sure that you like the At Ease Page to keep up with their events.
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