
Have you ever walked by a store with a sign that said GRAND OPENING and the employees were just standing around and waiting for someone to come in and at least look at what they had to offer?  I’m pretty sure that most of us have seen this happen or it has been us waiting for someone to ask us what we have to offer. We as people have great ideas however we don’t always do what we need to do to fully launch out and make those ideas flourish.  I personally think of  things all the time and  I consider them  to be great,  but I don’t always  market them properly because I’m a homebody.  Do I think that they are magically going to market themselves? Somewhere in my mind I do think that but you get the drift LOL. Just creating something isn’t enough you have to pound the pavement and get the word out.  Getting the word out does not always mean posting on social media because many of us are guilty of that as well. Many people post about their new endeavor and just wait for the likes, shares and calls to happen but they never happen.  You need to get out there where the people are, rub elbows and share what you have to offer.  There is nothing like being told about something in person. There is nothing like seeing the passion and excitement in someone’s eyes as they tell you about their new endeavor.  Are you launching a new business, trying to strengthen your brand, build a new facility? Well you need to get out in the trenches and tell people what you are doing! That’s our 2 cent for today.  Follow us on all social media at @MrOpenyonated and be sure to like our Facebook page to stay in tune with the local artists that we cover.