ada cheng had the opportunity to attend Ada Cheng’s “Not Quite Solo” show at the Women & Children’s Book Store the last feminist bookstore in the country located at 5233 North Clark on August 14th.  This was my first time attending one of Ada’s show,  I met Ada at a “Healing Corner” event and she  graciously presented at a career fair at the school that I work for.  A couple of weeks before attending Ada’s show I had the opportunity to meet with her to discuss show business, blogging, storytelling and life in general. First off I must say that she has a wonderful spirit and is very insightful and knowledgeable. She is also former professor at Depaul University and a wealth of knowledge! The timing of Ada’s show is perfect because the topics that she covers are all currently being discussed in many circles.  Through her art of storytelling, she shares with us her experiences  as someone who emigrated to the United States and all of the challenges that were included in that. She dispels many of the misconceptions that many people have of people who are not natives to the U.S. and the challenges and fears that they deal with.  One of the  things that stood  out in her performance was the fact  that many people are forever reminded of their “Alien Status” even after they become citizens.  She tackled the topic of what is home from different perspectives, addressed challenges that many people from the LGBTQ, Black  community, and women deal with in our society. After the show she engaged with her audience about how they felt about many of the things that are going on today and how they affect us. I am glad I made the choice to attend Ada’s show. It was eye opening, relevant and much needed. She created a safe place where people felt comfortable about talking about not so comfortable topics.  If you want to follow what Ada is doing be sure to check out her webpage and follow her on Twitter at @RenegadeAdaCheng As always you can follow us on all social media @MrOpenyonated