Who will rise from the ranks to declare themselves as a champion and capable of rallying the troops to victory? Not everyone is capable of shining in battle but, Jeronimo has stepped up and laid claim to be the one who will loosen the Gordian Knot. I remember years ago when Mama Brenda Matthews made the statement that poets are street prophets and would be instrumental in reaching the masses to inspire young people to do great things. I feel that the Gordian Knot is setting the stage for BIG things to happen not only for Jeronmio but for those who align themselves with him and follow his lead. He has put together a great project with HUGE pieces. This comes off as a statement cd, a portrait is being painted and in it Jeronimo appears to be a giant. The interludes included seem to provide evidence that he is who he say he is, someone who is sought after on many occasions. The features on the project seem to strengthen his case. The project includes features from Black Heaven (Solace Souls), Darlin Mikki (Team At Ease), Amber M Whitted (Solace Souls), Muva The Creator, K Love, Sohje and LeftLane E. These aren’t just features, they are major contributions to the project and will totally blow you away! There is enough lyrical dynamite on this project to level a skyscraper. Jeronimo’s style is a mixture of rap and poetry and it’s a good marriage arrangement. Summer of 2017 has definitely been the Summer of poetry albums in Chicago and The Gordian Knot stands tall and does not disappoint. Make sure you grab a copy !!! To follow Jeronimo’s work make sure you add him on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JERONIMOSPEAK and in Instagram @jeronimo_speaks