1️⃣ it’s low stakes. Only an hour and some change, so this is a quick & easy win.
2️⃣Big K.R.I.T. Is headlining, this makes you an opening act (add it to ya cred list 🤷🏾‍♀️)
3️⃣ at some point, an Independent artist have to tap into other hip hop communities for support,
The Firehouse Community Arts Center is PLUGGED! Trust me on this one!
4️⃣You’ve been in the studio all last year and now you have a following, you need a show!!! Event spaces range 500-1000k+, if you win, you’ll a free space in GENTRIFIED LAWNDALE. It’s nice & expensive as hell in gentrified lawndale 🤣
5️⃣ you don’t have an audience yet? Well, If you win, we’ll help push your show to our fanbase.

See the flyer for deets. You can inbox insta @awthentikpoetry1