The Poetry Olympics is around the corner. The attire is sporty. Pull out those jerseys and sporty attire. The vibe will always be one of a kind.
To slam or inquire, text #Olympics to 901-503-7418.
Round 1: “Diss” Appointed Battle (what would a diss poem to your ex sound like in the likeness of the “I Hope” format found in Lizz Straight’s “I Hope Failure Finds You” poem? Link:
Round 2: Freestyle Battle (poets get up to one minute to freestyle on a theme chosen by the audience – must be original and created on the spot). Have some fun with it.
Round 3: Haiku’d You Battle (may need up to 3 haikus, minimum of one)
Round 4: Lyrical Kombat – pick a poet by drawing their name and “Finish Them” (may need up to 3 poems, not to exceed 3 min and 10 seconds)