Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me, it’s a rhyme that children are taught but is a complete lie.  Word’s shape people, lead people and yes can hurt them.  There are a few words that have stuck with me in my life but there is one phrase in particular that I have never forgotten. When I went on a doctors visit when I was younger with my siblings I remember him saying “this must be the one who eats the most food.” The doctor may have been joking however he did not know that years later those words would stick with that child well into adulthood. I love good food, who doesn’t? Food is everywhere ! Every social setting has some kind of food and drink whether it’s a birthday party or a family reunion needless to say food has an important part in all of our lives.  I’ve shared on Facebook a few pictures from sessions at boot camp with Getting Better Fitness but I’ve never mentioned why I decided to bit the bullet and get my body back to a place where I feel comfortable with it. When I was in my 20′ s I along with a group of friends started going to a trainer and eating right and it was fantastic. I lost weight, felt great, got compliments, my clothes fit better, etc. I said yes to the journey but I didn’t continue. Fast forward now I’m nearly knocking on 40 and this is the heaviest that I have ever been.  My requires that you have wellness check ups and my last one was not what I expected. I weighed 209 pounds! I’ve been went between 190 and 200 pounds for the last 5 years or so. People say you don’t look like it but I guess I carry the weight well. It was kind of a blow to me because I was becoming “the one who eats the most food.” One thing that also hit me was a while ago some people were looking at my book and made the comment about my picture “What happened?”  Funny thing is I can cook, I’ve lost weight before so I know what to do but I wasn’t doing it.  I had been to one of Javid’s bootcamps  the founder of “Getting Better Fitness” before and since I had fallen off of the wagon my body was not ready! At one point in the workout my body said “Oh no you didn’t!” and I had to have a seat.  I was ashamed because all of these women around me were going to town and I was sitting on the ground trying to pull it together. After that I took a break from bootcamp. A few months later I came home from work logged on to the Getting Better web page and signed up for weekly bootcamp sessions and popped into class the same day. I didn’t even say I was coming I just went.  The work outs have been challenging yet fulfilling. I need to build up my strength and endurance. I love the fact that there are other people there fighting along side me. It’s an encouraging environment Javid’s a great guy and I hope to be able to revisit the body that I earned the last time but this time I plan on keeping it around for a while. I plan on blogging week to week about my progress. If you want to learn a little more about Javid, his transformation and his work visit the site  and the Facebook page